


Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers in the world [玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][玫瑰][爱心][爱心][爱心]
Our first teachers are our mothers, and the first lesson they teach us is to care others and be selfless 🌟🙏
Let’s make the best Mother’s Day !!
Let’s say :
“ I love you mommy 💕 “
-Kiss mommy [亲亲]
- Hug mommy[拥抱]
”Happy Mother’s Day 💕“
Here are some crafts and songs ,which help you to celebrate 🎉🎊 one of The Best Days in the Year [太阳]
Have fun, kids !! [拥抱]
My best wishes 💕🌟


I Love You Mommy

Good Morning Song for Kids


Hello , my little stars ✨
Hi, parents !
You are my lovely kids and you know how proud I am of you !!
You make Eric and Nataly so happy [爱心][拥抱]
I have a new task for you !
Are you ready ??
Lets talk about The Clothes 👚👕👠👖👔
- What are you wearing today ?
- I am wearing a T-shirt , shoes and pants today !
- What are you wearing today ?
- I am wearing a dress and shoes today !
Please make a video!
We love your videos very much [爱心][爱心][爱心]
The deadline - May 18th
Thank you !
We have the best students in the world !! [太阳][太阳][太阳]


